Saturday, March 5, 2016

At the Table- Fiasco Style Relationships

Welcome to the first post in the At The Table!  In this series, I will give concrete examples of how my gametable tried some of the options discussed on this site.

Today, I will give an example of how we used Fiasco Style Relationships to kick off our Star Wars campaign last night.

The campaign is a conversion of the Dawn of Defiance modules from Saga Edition- but we are running it just after the events of The Force Awakens, so the First Order are the bad guys, and the PCs get drawn in to the Resistance.

First, I created a a custom Fiasco playset (you can check it out here:

We rolled our six sided dice (4 per player), then everyone took turns drafting results using the dice pool to create relationships and details between the players.

We would record the results on index cards in between the players.

After everything was drafted, the relationships between the players looked like this:

And the Details between them looked like this:

I also asked them to help define the four major NPCs of the Campaign, the Nemesis, the Contact, the Mentor, and the Informant.  Each of these is pretty well defined in the campaign series, but I wanted the players to get invested in the NPCs, and having them create them is a good way to do so.  We came up with:

Nemesis- Anaya "Oma" Ren - one of the Knights of Ren, a elderly human who has ties back to Palpatine's Dark Force users.  She performs horrific experiments on Force users to find out the secrets of the Dark Side.  One such place she performs these is in a lab in the bowels of Nar Shadaa (a tie-in to the locations drafted above).

Contact- Tella the Hutt- unusual in that it is a Hutt working to aid the Resistance against the First Order.  She is a young Hutt, relatively mobile, and was drawn into the conflict when her father, Tobo, was murdered by the First Order in a fight over territory.

Mentor- The system that they will find their mentor on is Cato Neimoidia.  They talked about wanting a Kel Dor for their mentor.  Knowing that this is where Plo Koon meets his end in canon sources, we couldn't help but decide to use him as a mentor.  Exactly how he survived Order 66, how he is still alive today, and why he has not done anything in the galaxy since then, I know, but I'm not posting here :) (My players might read this...)

Informant- Senator Varth - This will be a elderly human former Imperial Senator, who was recruited into the First Order for his vast knowledge, but decides that the destruction of Hosnian Prime is too much.  I have not yet decided if this character will follow the same arc as in the original storyline, for those who have played it.

Taking the NPCs into account, as well as the relationships, we all worked together to craft an overarching backstory that takes into account most of the relationships and details. The rest will get filled in later.

D and S's character's, who are Force Sensitive twins, were being experimented on by Anaya Ren in the dark recesses of Nar Shadaa.  E and T's characters, seeking out information on the Jedi, found this laboratory and managed to help free the twins.  They went on the run as Anaya Ren brought the resources of the First Order to bear.  They found work where they could on freighters here and there in the space lanes and generally laying low.  At some point, however, the ship they were working on made a delivery to a First Order shipyard and they were discovered, their ship being destroyed and leaving them in an escape pod.  Luckily, it was at that time that a some members of a salvage operation (headed by E, I, and M's characters) decided to help out and picked up their escape pod.  In the process, M's character was identified, so now he is being hunted as well.

So, there is obviously some more to develop, but this method gives some detailed reasons the group is together and can make for some great dynamics right from the get go.  I would love to hear if anyone gives this a shot.

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